Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Girl on the Block

So......I'm pretty excited about blogging.  This is my first at this, so I dont speak BLOG really well. I'm basically learning as I go. This will be a fun way for me to explore and reflect on the daily quirks of my current life and kind of reconcile and compare them to my upbringing (growing up in a house of 6 girls and 3 boys.)  Also, since I'm the only girl in the house now, I notice big differences between the thinking processes of males vs females. 

As an English major, and former English teacher (and no-that doenst mean I won't mispel words or over/under puncuate:;!!!) it just means what it means!!!), right now my first inclination is to provide you all with a well thought out syllabus of what is to come....but this is a blog, so I can pretty much throw away the rigid rules/form associated with writing and drive this baby all over the place -so put your seat belts on now!

 Tune in for some fun times! O and by the way-leave your wallet at home...its all FREE: No Tips Accepted!


  1. well this will be interesting...let's see what tomorrow will bring
